Whippany Fire Company Fire House Relocation

Preparing for the next 100 Years…

Almost a century ago, a few select few residents of Whippany made the choice to come together and help our town’s residents in their times of need by creating the Whippany Fire Company. As the fire company grew, more members joined and eventually built our firehouse in which we reside in today. Our firehouse has been used to house our equipment, served as a meeting hall for the town, and was the home of our library for many years.

Now, over a 100 years later we are at a similar point in our town’s history. We have completed the relocation of the Whippany Fire House into a new building that will adequately house us and our equipment for the next 100 years to come. We worked on this project for over 20 years and are now proud that the project has been completed and we have moved into our new home at 10 Troy Hills Road.

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